Social networks
Project sheet
Project sheet
Notice: 19/SI/2015
Project title: Investments in the internationalization of the company- Realization of International Fairs, Catalogs, market prospecting visits, presence on the WEB and hiring of senior marketing technicians. Also investments in Design and Development of new projects
Project code: NORTE-02-0752-FEDER-012897
Main objective: Reinforcing the competitiveness of SMEs
Region of intervention: North
Beneficiary: A. BARBOSA, LDA.
Date of approval: 2016-02-21
Start date: 2015-10-01
Completion date: 2018-03-31
Total eligible cost: € 537,188.75
ERDF Refundable - € 241,703.44

Objectives and results:
The strategic objectives are to diversify the type of coatings and pavements it produces, to produce them with heat treatment, increase their quality and increase the level of their exports in total sales and penetrate new export markets.
In the cruise year, A. Barbosa aims to achieve a percentage of exports of at least 65% of its total sales.
The results to be achieved within the scope of the project are as follows:
- Value of exports in the volume of Business: 74.30%.